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Poster: WhiteKnight - Date: 4th Nov 03 (6:35 pm)
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Found a VERY addictive and cool Roller Coaster game on a finish website.

Ive translated most of it into english, and added a working high-score table...

Enjoy: Go Go RollerCoaster+
Broken Site...
Poster: WhiteKnight - Date: 19th Sep 03 (3:08 am)
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Due to alterations on the MPUK servers that host this site, there may be a few hickups over the next few days / weeks / years / eons while i correct all the flawed PHP that makes the site work :/

Oh welll.
Poster: WhiteKnight - Date: 15th Sep 03 (11:52 pm)
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WhiteKnight Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer
In waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is
that frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a
toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae
do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

OMFG Cows too !
Poster: WhiteKnight - Date: 14th Sep 03 (2:45 am)
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Badgers ?!
New Codec Pack
Poster: WhiteKnight - Date: 1st Sep 03 (11:06 am)
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Ive just found a new codec pack that looks pretty damn swanky.

If you have a half decent connection its worth the download (all 50 mb of it !)

i17 W00t0r
Poster: WhiteKnight - Date: 22nd Aug 03 (7:21 pm)
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Well, we`re here, and its warm, and everyone has the MS blaster virus.... how fun.
X-Prize = Win
Poster: WhiteKnight - Date: 15th Aug 03 (6:44 pm)
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WhiteKnight W00t

They have a contender for the X-Prize called The "White Knight" and "SS1"

Linky Linky

Ummm, well yes...
Poster: Scarr - Date: 1st Apr 03 (10:29 pm)
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Scarr I've not posted in like absolutely ages

so, here it is, more bored postings by me
IRC Stats
Poster: Cabe - Date: 1st Mar 03 (1:02 am)
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IRC Stats!

with much pushing + shoving we now have an IRC stats system in place.
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